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The impact of robotics education and robot design on the acceptance of human-related robots

Half-day workshop at International Conference on Social Robotics 2024 (ICSR’24)

The workshop will take place in the morning on Oct 23th  2024

The workshop is to discuss the future need for human-related robots, including social robots, cobots, and smart wearables such as exoskeleton robots.  Additionally, to discuss how robot designers can impact people’s attitudes toward using robots. Relevant frameworks include Society 5.0 and the challenges posed by an aging society and the shortage of healthcare professionals, particularly in the rehabilitation domain.

We will examine the current state of human-related robotics education and explore the types of vocational and higher education needed to advance the adoption of social robots, cobots, and exoskeletons. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of design, functional technology, and overall user experience in achieving acceptance. The goal is to generate and share ideas on future robotics education and design topics, and to identify factors that may encourage citizens to purchase and use human-related robots.

The participants are invited to take a part in the learning cafe activity. Learning cafe is facilitated short discussions of the workshop topics. To set the scene for the discussions, the proposes of the future, future need for human-related robots and future skills are presented.

Keynote speakers

Principal Research Scientist, Ph.D. Kimmo Vänni

HAMK – Häme University of Applied Sciences

Topic: Society 5.0 and needs for social and wearable robotics education


Associate Professor, Jacob Nielsen

SDU – University of Southern Denmark

Topic: Kids and robotics education – turning on the creative flame


CEO, Ms. Johanna Hemminki

Founder, CEO, Utelias Technologies Oy / Curious Technologies Ltd

Topic: Elias Robot – Reimagining language education with humanoid robots

Speaker to join the workshop through video conference call


We invite all interested parties to participate in a workshop at the conference. In order to participate, attendees must register either for the full conference participation OR for the workshop-only access: registration.

List of topics

  • Vocational and higher education in human-related robotics
  • Societal changes and positive/negative drivers for advancing or preventing the use of robots
  • The impact of design on perception and user experience of human-related robots
  • Research, development, and innovations in human-related robotics

During the workshop we are examining the perspectives of the future of use of the social robots and technology in society and especially in education, the care sector and the impact of design on usability. As development of society move towards Society 5.0, a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by integrating cyberspace and physical space, the care sector faces significant challenges and opportunities.

Social Robot Pepper will join us through video conferencing system / video.

  • Searchers, designers, and educators interested in discussing and sharing ideas on how to advance the use of human-related robotics in work, sports, and leisure are encouraged to participate. Participants may represent sectors such as healthcare, industry, agriculture, sports, and academia.

    Discussions will be facilitated based on the presentations, and the workshop will conclude with a wrap-up session. A relevant question to explore is: “Is the current state of human-related robotics education and design adequate, and what steps should be taken to advance the use of human-related robots and business?”

    • 9.00 – 9.20 Opening words
    • 9.20 – 10.20 Keynote speakers
      • 9.20 Society 5.0 and needs for social and wearable robotics education (Kimmo Vänni)
      • 9.40 Kids and robotics education – turning on the creative flame (Jacob Nielsen)
      • 10.00 Elias Robot – Reimagining language education with humanoid robots (Johanna Hemminki)
    • 10.20 – 11.30 Learning cafe
    • 11.30 – 12.00 Discussion and closing
  • Kimmo Vänni, HAMK University, Finland, kimmo.vanni(at)

    Ph.D. Kimmo Vänni works as a Principal Research Scientist in HAMK University of Applied Sciences. He has worked more than 20 years in academia as a lecturer, research manager and development manager. He has also worked in the private sector as a consultant and an entrepreneur. He also holds B.Sc and M.Sc in engineering, a M.Sc in well-being technology (biomechanics) and an EMBA in international business. During the thirty years, he has carried out various RDI projects including  productivity, technostress, social robotics, virtual reality, computer game and biomechanics domains. Currently he is researching digital stress and wearable exoskeleton robotics.

    Jari Mattila, Hyria Education Ltd., Finland, Jari.Mattila(at)

    Jari Mattila is a vocational teacher in the fields of electrical and automation, as well as robotics, with over 15 years of experience in teaching and working on automation and robotics projects. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Automation Engineering and has graduated as a vocational teacher. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Robotics.

    Elisa Utriainen, City of Riihimäki, Finland, elisa.utriainen(at)

    Elisa Utriainen is a Robotics Education Senior Adviser with long experience in education and teaching. She has been working as vocational teacher for over ten years and is now currently working as educational expert of robotics education. Elisa holds Master’s degrees in Computer Science and Education and is interested in the impact of robotics and artificial intelligence on work transformation and in particular on the future skills development needs of students

    Xiaofeng Xiong, SDU University, Denmark, xizi (at)

    Xiaofeng Xiong, Associate Professor at Biorobotics Section, University of Southern Denmark (SDU). He has a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, University of Göttingen, Germany. After Ph.D., he was a postdoc in Göttingen medical center and Hamburg University, respectively. His research focuses on bio-inspired robot control, neuromechanical modeling and control, variable impedance control, wearable robotics, and robot-inspired biology. The research results have been published in IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, Industrial Electronics, and Neural Networks, as well as awarded 4 international prizes such as Robot Innovation Award. He is a PI of two EU and five Danish grants, and an Associate Editor of the journal Adaptive Behavior and conference IEEE RoboSoft 2023.

    Maritta Valtari, Hyria Education Ltd., Finland, maritta.valtari(at)

    Maritta Valtari works as a Coach in Digital Learning at Hyria Education. She has over 25 years of experience in teaching development and digitalization. She holds degrees as a Work Community Developer and Community Educator, and is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Humanities (MH).